Ecstasy, of the Greek word ekstasis, meaning to stand outside of or transcend [oneself], spiritually, the experience of an inner vision.
There are five stages to achieving ecstasy: (1) cleansing (of bodily desire); (2) distilling (of the will); (3) illumination (of the mind); (4) fusion (of one’s being with the divine);
On Saturday April 6th we invite you to transcend into the fifth stage (5): a sonic experience of the mind, body, and soul.
Beatport Top 30 international artist, Aaron Suiss, makes his debut with Island Dreams in the Ibiza of the Midwest. Want to dance with us?
RSVP Here for location exclusively through the app
Event Location will be revealed via email and SMS day of show.
Have questions? DM us on instagram @dreamingoftheisland